Minhaz's Personal Blog : Selfish intentions
Showing posts with label Selfish intentions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selfish intentions. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

7 Attitudes Of A Person Who Only Uses You And Doesn't Care About You (YouTube Podcast Included)

Hey there, listeners. Let's talk about something we've all experienced but rarely discuss openly—those people in our lives who seem to stick around only when it benefits them.

We've all been there. Someone who magically appears when they need something, but becomes invisible when you're the one struggling. Today, we're breaking down seven revealing attitudes that expose people who use you—and more importantly, how to protect yourself.

So, let’s observe, understand, and learn to set boundaries where they’re needed.

Listen to It on YouTube

Number 1: They’re Always Takers, Never Givers

The first attitude is simple: they take more than they give. These people view you as a resource—someone they can extract value from, whether it’s your time, energy, or help. They’ll ask for favors, borrow your support, and lean on you during tough times. But when do you need them? Silence.

You’ll notice they rarely offer anything in return unless it benefits them. True relationships are built on balance—mutual support and care. A person who constantly takes without giving doesn’t value you; they value what you do for them.

Related Podcast

10 Lessons on How to Use Rejection to Your Favor

Number 2:  Their Support Disappears When You Struggle

In a genuine relationship, support is a two-way street. When you succeed, true friends celebrate with you, and when you struggle, they stand by your side. But those who use you? They disappear the moment you face hardship.

To them, your struggles are inconvenient. Why? Because their interest in you is conditional—it’s tied to what they can gain. When there’s nothing to gain, they withdraw. Pay attention to those who vanish when you’re at your lowest. They’re showing you their true nature.

Number 3: They Manipulate Your Kindness

One of the most common tactics these people use is manipulation. They know you’re kind, empathetic, or generous, and they take advantage of those qualities. They might guilt-trip you into helping them or twist situations to make you feel obligated.

For example, they may say, “If you really cared, you’d do this for me.” They play on your emotions, making you feel selfish if you set boundaries. Remember this: true care never demands or manipulates. It respects limits and values your well-being.

Number 4:  They’re Only Around When It’s Convenient

These people are like shadows—only appearing when the sun is shining. When times are good and opportunities are abundant, they claim to be your friend. But when you need genuine emotional support or when life gets tough, they’re nowhere to be found.

Convenience is their driving factor. They’ll be around for fun, success, or moments that serve their agenda, but disappear when there’s no benefit. Real friends are present during both the highs and the lows—those who care to stay through it all.

Number 5: They Show Little Interest In Your Life

Here’s another sign: they’re indifferent to what matters to you. When you talk about your passions, struggles, or dreams, they might nod along but rarely engage. Conversations with them often feel one-sided, focused on their needs and experiences.

They’re not invested in knowing you deeply because their interest in you is surface-level. Their focus is on how you can serve them, not on building a genuine connection. Real relationships involve curiosity, empathy, and shared joy.

Number 6: They Disregard Your Boundaries

People who use you often test your boundaries, pushing limits to see what they can get away with. They’ll ask for unreasonable favors, demand your time at their convenience, or pressure you into doing things that don’t sit right with you.

If you say no, they might respond with frustration, guilt trips, or passive-aggressive behavior. But boundaries are a sign of self-respect, and someone who truly cares about you will honor them, not challenge or break them.

Number 7: They Disappear When You Say ‘No’

The final attitude is perhaps the most telling: they can’t handle rejection. When you stop being useful to them—when you start saying no or setting limits—they pull away. Their sudden absence speaks volumes.

These people were never in your life for you; they were there for what you offered. When you remove the benefits, their interest evaporates. This can feel painful, but it’s also freeing—it reveals who genuinely values you and who doesn’t.

Your Takeaway

Recognizing these patterns isn't about judgment. It's about clarity and self-protection. These individuals might hide behind smiles or seemingly kind gestures, but their actions reveal their true nature.

When you consistently observe these behaviors, it's time to act. Protect your energy, time, and emotional well-being. Surround yourself with people who show up—not just when it's convenient, but when it matters.

Relationships should elevate you, not drain you. You deserve connections that value you for who you are, not what you can provide. If this resonates with you, share it. Someone in your circle might need this wake-up call.

Stay strong. Set boundaries. Choose relationships that nurture your spirit.

Until next time, take care.